(787) 705-7417

Wants to explore Upcoming Deals on Weekends?

Subscription & Shipping Policy:

When you purchase a subscription, you will receive repeat deliveries. These are based on the subscription duration and frequency that you select.

Your payment details will be stored securely, and you will be charged for each of these deliveries, unless you choose to pay in advance.

Some subscriptions may auto-renew at the end of their duration. If you do not want to renew a subscription you can cancel it.

If you want to cancel or change your subscription, you can do it at any time. Your order confirmation emails have links to your order. You can manage your subscription from there. 



Templates orders will be received in an approximate delivery time of 1 - 2 business days. The shipping time begins to elapse once the payment of the order has been made effective in our account.

Requests for professional services, training and consultancies will be coordinated to be offered directly with the buyer.

The delivery periods do not include weekends or holidays, (only working days). We recommend that you verify that all the information provided by you is correct, ensuring that there are no errors in your delivery address, since it is not possible to make changes of any kind to the destination guide once the package has been removed from our facilities.

During a regular Monday through Friday work week, it takes 1-2 business days to process and verify orders. Please allow additional processing time if you order on a public holiday or on weekends. Barring complications, most orders ship within two business days. Complications can include, but are not limited to, a mailing address that cannot be verified or an unauthorized credit card. If there are any problems processing your order, you will be contacted immediately.


If you need more information you can contact us by email at sps.online@smart-prs.com or by postal mail at Smart Precise Solutions, Inc. 40 Road 165, STE 310 Guaynabo, PR 00968.